Saturday, July 2, 2011

Day 197 - oh, so CLOSE!

Sooooooo....I'm done one lb. since last week but man I blew my big chance!!!!  As of today I'm -54+.  I COULD have been -59 lbs dang it.  I ruined it all by eating out this week, THREE times!  In my defense, on the days we ate out I was careful about the other food I ate during the day, so honestly, very honestly even though I ate out I made good choices and I really don't think I exceeded my calories for the day.  HOWEVER, I think the sodium content in the foods ended up killing my progress for the week.  It was kind of an odd set of circumstances that we DID eat out that much in one week, we usually don't.  Two of the three nights could have been avoided. 

On the upside, I did my workouts every day but my short-term experiment at Curves has now come to an end.  I won't be returning there as the girls and I are traveling for the rest of the summer.  I will resume a membership the first week of September.  I forgot to ask what my starting measurments were so next week I'll give details on how many inches I lost at each spot, but the final tallies for my 10 weeks at Curves are:

*out of 60 possible days I could work out, I worked out 58 of them
*during the 10 week duration I lost 16.5 lbs.
*during the 10 week duration I lost 16.5 inches (I lost 7 inches in just the last month alone)
*my biggest drops in inches came in my arms and my waist

I will be traveling this week and have all my food ready to go for the next 8 days (beginning on Monday).  I will have my other food packed in my suitcase for the remainder of my time.  I am having my July food shipped to my mom's house.  My goal for next week as I won't have a gym to go to is to do some leg lifts, and crunches every day, and to walk 20 min. every day.  There's a hill to go down where I will be so just walking down the hill and about 15 min. of flat walking and back up the hill will be PLENTY for me!  My food goal for next week is to just maintain.  I'm not looking for any loss.  I will weigh myself at my mom-in-law's on Tuesday a.m. and then again the following Monday so I will know if I've lost or gained during my week there.  Again, not going for a loss, just to maintain.

While I'm at my mom's I've arranged a one-month membership at a local gym.  I will go everyday and their staff is going to work with me.  For that time, I'm hoping to lose 5 lbs. in the month AND some more inches.  I'm hoping they'll be able to help me focus on the flab that's become MORE obvious as the weight has dropped.  I will also be swimming at her place several times each week too, if that can count as my cardio, you bet I'll do it!!!

Whew!  I think that's all.  Wish me luck!  I always appreciate constructive criticisms, insights and your cheerleading efforts!!!

:)Happy Fourth of July to all!  We'll be in Seattle for a wonderful fireworks display right off the deck on Lake Union at my mom-in-law's condo!

1 comment:

  1. I think the fact that you have a plan for this time will make it work. You've already got the mindset in place. Just stay away from the eating out. Just do a small salad and water if you end up going for the social. After a month at a gym, you may find you are ready to step it up once you get home and find a trainer rather than just curves.

    Don't forget to post while you're on the road.

