Monday, June 6, 2011

Monday morning surprise-June 6, 2011

Finally, had the courage to face the scale this morning an accept it's judgement - good or bad.  I'm -4 lbs. since Sat., May 28th.  I'll definitely take it!  That, plus the -6 more inches lost makes for a decent week after all.  Feel re-motivated today and encouraged.  Total loss to date:  -47 lbs.  only 5 more to go until I'm at my post-baby weight after baby #2 in June 1999.  Only 12 more to go until my big number reveal.  Encouragement appreciated right now.....thanks!!!


  1. You are doing great!! I too have food issues that I think date back to the stone ages. I have tried to "find the root cause" of my issues but have only come up with the fact that I have issues. That being said, I'm trying to attack it from a different angle. I have spent YEARS beating myself up for bad eating, bingeing, crap food, etc. So, I'm trying to let that go and tackle the problems as they come. I am dieting again but I have backed off the aggressive nature with which I was tackling it before. I know you have a lot of weight to lose and you want to do it sooner rather than later BUT that puts so much pressure on everything you put in your mouth. It sounds like you and I are very alike the way we punish ourselves for poor choices. I have determined that's life and I've spent so much time being down on myself because of the way I've eaten. Chris gets so frustrated with me because I'm frustrated with myself. It makes me moody with everyone so I'm trying to change the power it has over my life. For the past month it has been working. Some days are textbook good eating and other days might have a Dairy Queen Blizzard or a piece of pizza. In the past, I would have tortured myslef over those choices but now I just pick up at the next meal and move on. It's working for me. I'm losing weight, could be faster but I feel ok everytime i step on the scale because I've stopped fluctuating and it's a slow steady creep down. I would recommend weighing every couple days if you don't. It really does let you know where you're at so once a week isn't a surprise or a shock. Some days I feel bloated and fat only to step on the scale and be pleasantly surprised by the result. I do not have a body that tells me how it's doing like that, I need the scale for my frame of reference. OK, now that I've spilled out my words of wisdom. Use what works for you if any of it. You are doing a great job and though it is a lengthy process, it didn't go on overnight. Keep up the good work and don't be too hard on yourself. Life throws curve balls for eating so do the best you can and the rest will fall into place. XOXO
