Saturday, June 4, 2011

Day 169-I'm in trouble

So here's my big confession for the week.  I didn't weigh today, I just couldn't face it.  I don't even know that I would have gained, maybe just maintained?  But I couldn't risk the numbers on the scale.  I can't handle it at the moment.  The new isn't ALL bad, I did have the gal at Curves measure me yesterday.  My last measurements were taken three weeks ago.  In the last three weeks, I've lost another 6.5 inches, yes, just in three weeks.  2 from my waist, 1.5 from my bust, .5 from each thigh, and 1 from each upper arm.  Yes, I am pleased with that and will take it in lieu of the scale.

I've had a tough week.  I've eaten a lot of crap.  I won't say I've been on an all-out bender but definitely eating without stopping myself first. 

My question is, what else do I say to motivate myself to 'stay the course'?  All along I've been relying on 'this is hard, just keep your head down, one bite at at time', etc.  But that mantra is getting really old and fast.  I don't WANT this process to take forever and I know when I eat food I shouldn't it doesn't get me to the goal any faster, but ugh.  What to do?  I just have SOOOO much more to lose, and SOOOOO many more inches to go!

It was suggested to me this week by my friend/healthcoach that perhaps I need to start digging deeper to get to the heart of this issue.  The truth is, I've been thinking/pondering/wondering/contemplating for the past 20 years WHY I have a problem with food.  I am certain it is connected to things that happened in my childhood, but I won't go into that here.  I have given this all a LOT of HARD thought and I just can't come up with any nuggets that makes sense, that I can cling to.  Blech.  I ask myself questions, I try to be open and I know I'm asking the wrong questions.  Don't get me wrong, I can tell when I'm stress-eating, or eating out boredom, but things I've eaten this week, it's really felt more like, yum, this looks good/tastes good - that's it.  That simple.

Still going to Curves every day.  Still drinking lots of water everyday.  My clothes still seem to be getting a little bit looser each week.  I think the workouts are paying off finally, with more inches gone and the ever-looser clothing.

I gotta get on top of the food part or this is all going to have been a big, FAT, waste/waist of time.

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