Saturday, April 30, 2011

Day 134 - foo!

Sad news today, but I'm not actually that sad about it.  Weighed in this morning and am +3.5 lbs.  Now, you might think, "oh no!" and I did have a few choice words to say, BUT....I couldn't help but wonder's because I'm 'working out'.  Yes, for those inquiring minds that would like to know...I have not broken my attendance streak and have been to Curves every day they've been open (I get Sundays off, thank you Jesus (LOL!)).  So I started Curves on Apr. 15 and have been every single day so today was workout day (WD) 16.  I have more to say about Curves, but in a moment.  My theory about why the gain this week is the 'muscle weighs more than fat' thing.  Now, this of course is like the old "which weighs more a pound of feathers or a pound of lead".  I know we can all agree that like the lead and feathers a pound of fat and pound of muscle are the same weight, BUT the fat takes up more space than the muscle.  My question is, and I KNOW I know the answer but I cannot quite pull it all together in my head so if I am correct about my theory here, please chime in and confirm for me.  Is it possible that I gained the weight because I'm converting fat to muscle so I APPEAR different but my weight is the same?  I think the answer is yes, although I'm a professional dieter, I'm just unsure.  I can tell you that I may have gained, but I FEEL thinner and I feel I LOOK thinner too! 

My Curves revelations 
Getting there has not been difficult.  It's funny how when you insist that something must happen every day, even when you feel like there's not enough time, you actually find the time; so getting there has been easy.  Doing the workout has been easy.  I am definitely sweaty and breathing heavy at the end and I actually feel like I did something.  I was going to do measurements this week but now I'm going to wait until the end of month one.  I actually find myself almost enjoy being there.  They don't bug me when I'm there, I can just do my thing and leave which I really like.  AND, here's the best part...I've noticed a teeny, tiny (you have to really look) of muscle definition on my left calf!  Yes, it's there!  I was shocked!  And a teeny, tiny bit less flab on my arms.  I also have noticed that my sides are slightly slimmer.  However, I also have to report and this part totally sucks (I've mentioned it before), all of the fat seems to be migrating to my stomach and above (and I don't mean my boobs) I mean making my formerly 'almost triple' roll and hefty double roll.  Yuk.  I really hate that part.  But I'll live with it for the other 'gains' I've made.

I was very good with water this week.  Not stellar with my food but not "bad" either.  I am definitely bored with the MF food but I am working hard every day to remember it's the food that's gotten me this far and now the food and movement will get me through this second phase. 

Water today:  on my third  (28 oz) mug

Food today:
chicken sandwich (for dinner)
few french fries
scoop of sugar free choc. ice cream (not a huge scoop, literally one scoop)
I am done eating for the day.  Oh and of course I did my Curves workout this morning.

Don't have a goal for this week other than to try to stay 'on plan' the entire week with no straying.  I don't even care about loss by next Sat.  I want to see how I continue to look.  I will say that ALL of my clothes fit more loosely, some VERY much so.

Oh one last thing.  Zumba is NOT for me.  Tried it once last week.  I LOVED the music but I've never done it and the girl leading it was really not good about checking with us 'new faces' and slowing it down.  It was lightining fast (I thought I had good rhythm.  Apparently I am seriously uncoordinated, white men can't jump? Well this white girl apparently can't dance.  The moves were cool but they were not happening for me.  I only did 15 min. of the 30 min.  I will not be trying Zumba again.  I'd be better off to find the same fast/fun music and just dance to it.  Here's the super amusing thing.  I'm always imagining choreographed dance routines in my head to music and I think they're really good; but to actually do some moves, uh yeah, right, that's not happening for this girl.


  1. Interestingly I have known folks who were doing what you are doing, and the mm weighs more than fat idea could be true, but it could also be that you're not eating enough calories. If the body freaks out it holds onto fat rather than gets rid of it, I've heard. Obviously not a research scientist here.

    But consider MORE water and some more calories and see what happens. (And I ain't talking yucky calories, good ones.)

  2. Okay, it is my understanding (not from pesonal experience you understand) that movement -- any kind of movement is a good thing. Even 10 or 15 minutes. Is the Zumba thing offered at Curves? Anyway I digress. I have gotten on the Wii Just Dance a couple of times in the last couple of days and 30 minutes flew by each time. I was moving (dancing as only a 60 something can without being on Dance with the Stars) that whole time. So maybe give that a try -- by yourself or with the girls -- they would probably love to dance with you.

  3. Both good points. I agree, any movement would be fine. I don't feel compelled to add the dancing with the Wii (though just for fun, yes! great plan) since I am going to Curves every day (oh how I wish they were only OPEN 3 days a week!!! LOL). I was just really disappointed with the whole Zumba thing. Yes, they offer it now. Ours has it three times a week. I was just thinking it would be cool to work up a sweat with that than just the Curves workout to mix it up a bit. I can do a Zumba DVD in the conference room if I want, so I might do that. But I like the Wii dancing with the girls. :)
    As for the body hoarding fat thing, hmmmm, that COULD be happening but I've been on the MF for four months+ so I'm not convinced that's what's going on. Adding water easy, I'm USUALLY (not ALWAYS, but at least 90+% of the time vigilant about getting 64 oz. in a day and usually hit closer to 80+oz. I MAY try adding an extra meal replacement every day this week and see if that makes a diff. I'll know more too, when I have them do measurements in two weeks. Thanks for the comments!

  4. Chantel, Your posts are great. At least you're brave enough to post online. I have a lengthy 'diet' blog but it's only for my use to log weight/food eaten, etc. Dieting or no, it really helps to track what you're eating throughout the day. In terms of gaining weight, the theory of not eating enough calories is sound; it's entirely possible that your exertion is resulting in enough burn that your calorie consumption needs to increase to continue losing. I've definitely experienced this phenomenon and as crazy as it sounds, eating more could offset your gain and kick off continued weight loss. Ask your folks at Medifast now that you've established a Curves routine.

    As far as Curves is concerned, I'm a big believer. Although I don't belong at the moment, I belonged for five years and it was a life saver. Worked really hard as opposed to many of the ladies who came in to socialize and I got in good shape - it can be done. Quit just before they started Zumba but my niece says you have to stick with it because everyone is uncoordinated at first. I quit for two reasons: 1) found myself out of town so much that paying the monthly fee seemed a waste, and 2) my muscle memory was totally accustomed to the circuit and needed a good shaking up.

    When will you be able to convert over to "real" food? Can imagine you must be getting tired of prepared/prescribed meals; now that I'm making everything from scratch and have thrown out ALL 'diet' foods, anything with HFCS or sugar for that matter, eating no carbs (except those from natural sources) or desserts, I am amazed at my energy level and my health. I totally support that Medifast is a program that works and is obviously working for you so that's GREAT. Just that the sooner you can convert over to eating non-program type food, the better for your boredom threshold and variety. Can't wait to see how your measurements come out. Hang in there, that weight will fall back off!

  5. Oh thanks!! :) Well I wanted to do this blog just so that if (when) I can get to or close to my goal, I just thought it'd be a super cool to have this blog to look back on. :) As for getting off of Medifast, I cannot imagine I'll be able to be off of it for at least a year. So, I just need to mentally re-adjust and recommit to following the plan closely. I think adding an extra MF to my day for this week may help with the exertion at Curves. Yes, I WILL talk with my healthcoach to see what MediFast folks officially recommend as far as this predicament. Like I said, I'm not crushed, simply because I do SEE a difference just in the two weeks I've been working out. And yes, I have thought about my body getting used to the circuit but I'm aways out from that happening. Thanks so much for following along. I love getting feedback from everyone!

  6. I need to ask. What's the plan when you go to your mom's? Have you talked with her and asked her to support you in this while you are there? I bet there is a Curves there you could attend for the six weeks. I hate to be a gloomy voice, but after getting 15 days in a row and keeping it up until you leave, you will find it's twice as hard when you get back-if you aren't staying in those habits.


  7. G-I agree wholeheartedly, I will HAVE to continue while there. I don't think there's a Curves near her house (there used to be but they closed) but there are one or two gyms and I'm sure they have circuit training of some sort so I will definitely do a short term membership while there. I won't however try to continue going every day then, I will go three times a week. Once I get back here in August I will join up with Curves again but won't feel as compelled to go every day. (Though I've found myself actually looking forward to going every day.)
