Saturday, July 23, 2011

Day 218

Wow.  Trying to do Medifast and travel is positively NOT advised.  I've had a very tough time staying 'on plan' we've been out to eat way more than I'd like but I don't want to be a party pooper about it all!  At any rate if I am able to just maintain for the rest of my trip, I'll be in good shape.  I haven't weighed since Wed. July 13th but I will as soon as I can get to a scale that works and isn't at the gym!

On a different leg of my trip and it's been much easier today.  Have had a pancake for breakfast bar, a shake, a handful of trail mix, and some spaghetti and salad for dinner.  Been good with my water today.

The gym...shaking my head.  I didn't make a good choice but I am going.  This week I'm not as I'm in a different state but I've been going every other day to do the weight lifting and then the off days I've been swimming more.  I'm going to TRY the elliptical when I go back after my week away but I don't know if I can do it longer than 5 min.  I will try to do it.  I figure I'll just try to hold on a minute at a time and see how far past 5 I can get.

Nothing else to say.  Hoping to hit it all really hard once I return home. 

1 comment:

  1. Then stick with lots of fruit and veggies. Small amounts of protein. Not corn on the cob with tons of butter or strawberry shortcake. The real thing.

    Walk after dark when it cools off? Keep going to that gym--you hated curves at first, remember? Pretend you work for Nike. Just do it. The reward is in the doing sometimes.

    You can do this. And be a party pooper. This is important. You wouldn't have drunk alcohol when pregnant because you didn't want to be a party pooper. This is just as important. State your needs and expect others to step up to the plate and help you.
