Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day 120 - wow four months

I am continuously amazed at what I'm uncovering through this whole effort.  One of my friends pointed out that as I "unwrap each layer of fat" no telling what I'll find, and I agree.  I hadn't thought of it that way.  Can I really put a finger on what I'm getting at? No.  I just know that there is certainly more purpose in doing this than just the becoming lighter, getting fitter.

First the weight.  I've gained almost 2 lbs this week which still leaves me at 37 lbs down.  Now, I am not broken up about this for a couple of reasons.  First, I've just started my period and let me tell you, I never realized just how bloated I DO get and how much water I DO retain.  When I was heavier there was so much constant bloat that it was masked.  Anyway, as I've been able to drop some pounds it becomes more obvious, so I'm not terribly concerned.  Secondly, I've been awful this week with food.  Now that's not completely fair to me, but let's say, as I write this (Sunday morning PST) I have a renewed committment to be back 'on plan' fully.  And finally some good news, I think....

On Thursday I went to Curves and signed up for a three month membership.  I wanted something finite.  I may re-up my membership depending on how it goes.  Now, I'm not overly impressed with Curves (belonged once before back in Alaska, RARELY then NEVER went), nice place just not top of the line fitness training.  However, it is going to be perfect for me.   Right now, the battle is just about showing up.  Period.  I've committed to going every single day.  Will I?  Maybe, maybe not.  Is it healthy to go every day?  Probably not.  Do I need to make that declaration so I will get there at least 3-4 times a week?  BINGO!  I am pleased to say that while I signed up on Thursday (didn't have time to do a first workout that day) I DID go on Friday (and it wasn't awful).  I woke up on Saturday, VERY sore, but not miserable, and yes, I went again yesterday.  I was VERY pleased with myself.  And yes I will go again tomorrow, 4 pm PST if anyone needs to know.  ;) 

I've been very, VERY resistant to adding exercise to what I'm doing; but a recent incident (which I don't feel like explaining right this second but I will;  it just had to do with learning some information about myself), made me FINALLY realize (but definitely not accept) that I must now step up my game.  I've had four months to learn some basics of how to eat, now I have to do this next component.  I've definitely given in and formally declared that I HATE EXERCISE.  I do not like moving my body, I do not like purposefully doing EXERCISE.  It completely sucks.  BUT, my two visits to Curves have been very do-able with only minimal pain, and definitely not enough to keep me from going back.  Plus, I had to make the challenge part to myself, go every day for the 12 weeks.  We'll see.  I'm going to make myself a bracelet or necklace or keychain or something where I can add-a-bead for every visit. 

My thoughts about Curves....while I don't find it over-challenging as a workout goes, it's got me moving and putting some resistance on my muscles, which they OBVIOUSLY haven't seen in a while.  :)  I am also absolutely convinced that the woman that created Curves was 100% ADD.  As most of you know I'm sure, you only do 30 sec. on each machine/station.  It takes me 15 sec. on some of those, to stuff my ass into and/or extricate my ass FROM some of the machines.  If no one's behind me then I just stay on it through the next 30 sec.; this is esp. true for the leg machines.  SO, for now I'm excited about this new development.  If I have anything exciting mid-week to share, I will do so indeed!

Time: 8:10 am PST Sunday, April 17th
Food today, none....gonna make a pancake in a moment.
Drinking my first water of the day and yea, the coffee is ready!!!

Thanks so much for reading this.  Even if you really aren't and just pretending to, it helps me to think I have some people interested in what I'm doing.

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